Penguin 2.1 i.e Penguin 5 Spam Filtering Algorithm Unleashed Today
Google release Penguin 5 update i.e Penguin 2.1 spam filtering algorithm is live today.
The head of Google web spam team Matt cutts were officially shared the tweets on Twitter that this algorithm would impact 1 percent of search queries. I realise changes on today morning, my website keywords ranking get affected due to this algorithm.
Now I’m going to provide all the updates of penguine date wise:
- Penguin 1 update release on 24 April 2012, at that time 3.1 % search queries would get affected
- Penguin 2 update release on 26 May 2012, at that time 0.1 % search queries would get affected
- Penguin 3 update release on 3 October 2012, at that time 0.3 % search queries would get affected
- Penguin 4 update which also called AKA Penguin 2.0 release on 22 May 2013, at that time 2.3 % search queries would get affected
- And this is last update Penguin 5 (AKA Penguin 2.1) release on 4 Oct 2013, which impacts around 1% of search queries.